Thursday 3 October 2013

Dr. Kevin Lam Reviews: Treatment of Flat Foot Condition

Flat foot is considered among one of the most important foot problems that cried out for help. Flat foot is also known as its orthopedic name Pes Valgo Planus, which is recognized in the medical literature under several names. Although there are prescribed medications for treating this problem, sometimes orthotics are used as a healing method. However, there are some medical specialists who inform that people cannot treat flatfeet by using orthotics but this is not true at all.

The success of any treatment, including foot and ankle treatment depends on the severity of the condition. There are patients who purchase custom orthotic device like “arch supports” that are made of fur as well as more compressive materials. To say the truth, this custom orthotics obviously helps people curing their foot problem.

However, flat foot condition will resist the correction if patient use an orthotics made up of hard plastic device. This is the reason the podiatrists suggest patient to purchase better supports made from materials that will hold up for longer periods. These types of custom orthotics will obviously help people to get rid of their problem.

Flat foot is actually a genetic presentation which is related to the foot structure as well as neuro-muscular development. These types of problems are often noticed in newborns that face a very pronated as well as flat foot configuration. These children, when they grow up, develop a hyper-pronated, flat arched foot condition that often become really acute.

There are some children who also develop a “good arch” within a year from their birth. These patients sometimes suffer from chronic muscle pains in their lower legs. The muscle of the lower leg is also affected by it. Not only that, improper human biomechanics of human leg will sometime cause variety of leg conditions such as bunions, hammertoes, tailor bunions, arthritis, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, heel spurs etc. Problems grow rapidly if the child chooses their life as an athletic as they grow up. Treating these conditions at the very early age would be the right way to deal with these problems.

If you live in Naples, Florida region you can visit Dr. Kevin Lam Naples Florida clinic for complete foot and ankle treatment and assistance. You can also check Dr. Kevin Lam reviews online to get customer feedbacks regarding his treatment.

Dr. Kevin Lam Reviews: All about Ingrown Toe Nail

What is ingrown toe nail?

Ingrown toenail, also known as onychocryptosis, is a common foot condition that people are often affected by. It basically occurs when a part of the nail start penetrating skin. It creates deep pain as well as infection. The ingrown nail can also start putting pressure in the nail fold area without penetrating the skin. This can become extremely painful and a corn/callus can also grow at the bottom side of the nail as a result of the pressure.

How does it look like?

Ingrown toe nail can turn into acute condition and can be extremely painful if left unattended. Actually the side of the nail penetrates deep in the skin and it is also difficult to check out the edge of the nail. Depending on the nail shape and condition the severity of onychocryptosis will vary. In some cases, patients will just have a nail appearing deeply embedded down the sides of the nail. Another types of ingrown toe nails occurs when the corner of the nail penetrate the skin just like a knife. As a result, the affected toe will have an infection as well as the development of proud flesh/ granulation tissue. Apart from that the toe will be red and inflamed. In all omychocryptosis, extreme pain is common.

Common Symptoms:

The common symptom in all types of ingrown toe nail is extreme pain. Apart from that the patient will also face some minor discomfort in placing the feet on the ground. The patient will also feel a pressure from the side of the nail and this happens as the nail is actually penetrating the skin down the side of the nail. After a nail penetrated inside the skin the toe is obviously to be infected. If not taken proper care, the infection may spread, making the toe inflamed and red. Apart from that a collection of pus may also develop.

Causes of Ingrown Toe Nail:

The most common reason of ingrown toe nail is poor cutting of the nail. According to the podiatrists poorly cutting of the toe nails is mostly responsible for ingrown toe nail condition. Furthermore, there are so many other conditions that are also responsible for growing an acute condition.

If you live in Naples, Florida region you can visit Dr. Kevin Lam Naples Florida clinic for complete foot and ankle treatment and assistance. You can also check Dr. Kevin Lam reviews online to get customer feedbacks regarding his treatment.

Friday 27 September 2013

Dr. Kevin Lam Reviews: Foot Pain and Its Possible Treatments

Foot pain is one of the most common foot and ankle conditions that people talk about. In most of the cases foot pain occurs under the ball of the foot. This is medically termed as metatarsalgia. Metatarsalgia mainly occurs in the region between the arch and the toes.

Metatarsals are actually the long bones at the base of each toe. It is often seen that extreme pressure on the metatarsal bone causes the pain on the ball of the foot. Pressures on metatarsals can be a result of some external factors such as improper footwear.

Apart from that, sometimes abnormal joint alignment in the joint of the metatarsal also causes foot pain. There are many other conditions that cause foot pain. Some of these causes include: arthritis, osteonecrosis, neuromas, tumors, or infections. Finally, foot pain can also be caused due to the some traumatic injuries, including fractures as well as ligament tears.

The treatment of foot pain includes some important medication as well as some unique treatment options. When you consult podiatrists for the treatment of your foot pain, he/she first diagnose the problem. The treatment is prescribed according to the severity of the pain and condition of the foot.

Treatment of foot pain may vary from anti-inflammatory medications to wearing correct footwear. Sometimes, the doctors suggest some footwear modifications in order to cure the pain permanently. Literally, a little insert in the footwear can help many types of foot pain and can cure the pain from its root. For example: metatarsal pads are ideal for the treatment of metatarsalgia, as these pads can take the pressure off the ball of the foot.

However, when these simple steps cannot cure your pain you should immediately consult the expert podiatrist in order to get a proper and adequate treatment for your pain. Sometimes, patients don’t get relief with the simple treatment procedures and might need to go through a surgical procedure to cure the pain. So, only the experienced podiatrist can help you out regarding this.

If you live in Naples, Florida region you can visit Dr. Kevin Lam Naples Florida clinic for complete foot and ankle treatment and assistance. You can also check Dr. Kevin Lam reviews online to get customer feedbacks regarding his treatment.

Dr. Kevin Lam Reviews: 5 Important Methods to Cure Foot Pain

Foot pain is a common syndrome for many foot and ankle conditions. Most of the people rely on the available pain medications as a good solution for most of the foot pains. However, with the recent advancement of medical science, today it is possible to cure your foot pain with modern medications. Some of these medications come with pill form and some are topical. Following are some example of such pain relief medication:

Analgesics: This is a common medicine used as a pain relief medication. This mainly relieves foot pain without curing the inflammation. However, people who are alcoholic should not use this medicine as the alcohol can combine with the drug to cause liver damage.

Nerve Pain Medication: Sometime pain may cause due to nerve damage. To cure this type of pain, the podiatrists rely on anti depressant amitriptyline, which actually increases the level of the brain chemicals that soothe down the pain signals. It also apparently works with the nerve signals that involve in pain as well as seizures.

Nerve Blocks: Nerve block is a kind of injection that the podiatrist sometime use as an important medication for foot pain. This injection mainly numbs a particular nerve in order to prevent pain signals from reaching your brain. It is mainly used for a severe pain during the surgery.

Corticosteroids: These are synthetic forms of naturally occurring hormones which is generally produced by the adrenal glands. They are available in pill and injection form.

Ultrasound: This is actually a treatment in which the doctors use high-frequency sound waves that are directed at an inflamed area. It can quickens the healing process and reduce inflammation. This treatment is ideal for tissue injuries.

If you live in Naples, Florida region you can visit Dr. Kevin Lam Naples Florida clinic for complete foot and ankle treatment and assistance. You can also check Dr. Kevin Lam reviews online to get customer feedbacks regarding his treatment.

Friday 20 September 2013

Dr. Kevin Lam Reviews: Causes and Treatment Processes of Flat Foot Condition

Flat foot is a common foot condition that people often face. There is a belief that cops are only teased about having flat fleet. However, the truth is that anyone could face this common foot condition. Flat foot is a regular foot disease which is also known as over-pronation. People are marked as flat-footed when their feet are flat or flatter than they are naturally.

There are so many factors that are responsible for this condition. Although painless in nature, some over-pronation could give much pain to the patient. The normal treatment of over-pronation involves wearing orthotics and insoles inside the shoes. However, if they are left unattended, they might lead to several feet and leg injuries in future.

According to the podiatrists or expert foot doctors flat foot can be the end result of different biomechanical problem that people had since their birth. There are also people who don’t develop arches on the inside of their feet. Even if you have perfectly formed aches you may develop over-pronation.

There might be several other factors that contribute over-pronation. For example: the pregnant women who are accustomed to carry much weight may experience arches in the foot. Apart from that, the people with excessive weight who need their feet to repeatedly pounding against the ground also likely to experience foot stress and flattening of the foot.

You can determine whether you are suffering from flatfeet condition by your own.  You just need to stand on a hard level a straight posture as much as possible. At that time you need to check whether your foot rolls inward. If so you may be growing an over-pronation situation.

Another way is to let the soles of your foot wet and walk on the floor. If your foot leaves a full width footprint on the floor you are sure to have flat foot. Whereas the normal foot soles will leave a contoured foot print as normal foot doesn’t make close contact with the floor that has plain surface.

If you live in Naples, Florida region you can visit Dr. Kevin Lam Naples Florida clinic for complete foot and ankle treatment and assistance. You can read Dr. Kevin Lam reviews online to get customer feedbacks in regards to his treatment.

Dr. Kevin Lam Reviews: 6 Tips You Should Follow after Bunion Surgery

Surgery is very common process used for removing bunion from foot. However, like any operations the patients should take some important precaution to keep them healthy when the surgery is over. For example, using crutches is very important suggestions but carrying things is not possible when you are using crutches, unless you will manage with one crutch. A wheel able little self-propelled vehicle or table may well be helpful to move a cup of tea or hot food while not spilling it.

You will realize this type of issue in a very quality or aids buy the elderly and disable. Otherwise you might place a chair and table within the room if there is not one already, so you do not have to move hot drinks or food very far.


•    If you are having an anesthetic problem then get some sore throat lozenges. You may appreciate them once your surgery as generally it will provide you some throat lozenges.
•    Get some painkillers for the emergency period. You will probably be provided some painkillers immediately when your surgery is over by your doctor and that are stronger than traditional.
•    You will need to protect your foot as much as possible and promote it a lot of time during the first 2 weeks. Basically you need to spend these times in bed and only getting out shuffling the extra activities.
•    It will be better if you use a plastic bag contained some kind of tape to cover your foot. Actually at the time of shower it is mandatory for you to protect your foot to get wet.
•    You can also use a cream for skin conditions and was suggested by the plaster technician who removed your bandage. If you use this regularly then your skin on foot will be dry and flake or peel off for a while.
•    For your help you can also get yourself a walking stick to use it when you are finally learning to walk again in your flat surgical shoe.

If you live in Naples, Florida region you can visit Dr. Kevin Lam Naples Florida clinic for complete foot and ankle treatment and assistance. You can read Dr. Kevin Lam reviews online to get customer feedbacks in regards to his treatment.

Friday 13 September 2013

Dr. Kevin Lam Reviews: Tips to Get a Quick Recovery from Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot conditions that people are often affected with. It is actually a common cause of pain on the bottom of the foot. It generally starts with a dull pain, especially when you wake up in the morning. Plantar fasciitis has some common symptoms such as a painful or burning sensation in the heel, which mainly occurs when you make your first step after waking.

Plantar Fasciitis is a serious foot condition that should be treated by the expert podiatrists. However, there are some important suggestions that you should keep in your mind when you are suffering from Plantar Fasciitis. These tips would help an individual to prevent any foot condition from turning to an acute stage:

•    You should try wearing supportive shoes favorable for your foot condition. For example: wearing a light and flexible shoe with an aftermarket insole is always effective for controlling plantar fasciitis.
•    Avoid or limit uphill running or speed works for few days as these would engage your calves, resulting your calves to become tightened.
•    Wearing a night braces could also be effective instead of using hard boots.
•    You should wear a supportive shoe until you get 100% fit. You need to wear a shoe always, when you are in home, in the shower, and even for the very last step of the day. Generally, a patient having Plantar Fasciitis find it very difficult to make the first step after waking up in the morning.
•    Try some exercise that involves your calves to stretch. You can ask your podiatrists for some home exercise. You can practice these easy steps in your home.
•    Apply ice on the affected area one to three times a day for 10-15 minutes each.

These are the basic tips that you need to follow when you have a plantar fasciitis. You should consult your podiatrists to get more suggestions.

You can visit Dr. Kevin Lam Naples Florida clinic to get the best treatment for Plantar Fasciitis. Read Dr. Kevin Lam reviews to get customer feedbacks about his treatment.